The studio is coming together nicely! In fact with a recent installation of carpet it is complete! That means higher quality podcasts are on their way. We are also working with an artist for some awesome artwork! Expect things to start rolling out near the end of the month with a more regular schedule. Until then, here are some one shot games to sate your appetite.
Starting with some good ol' Call of Cthulhu.
Guy takes a seat as keeper to run the Bards through a Call of Cthulhu game set in Antiquity. His title for the scenario, Blood and Glory Very Roman indeed.
Next up we've got a board game special. Mike recently kickstarted the awesome game Outpost 31 based off of the fantastic movie The Thing by John Carpenter. If you have not seen that movie, do it right now, you will not be disappointed. After that you can listen to the Bards spiral into paranoia. I mean anyone could be a duplicate right....right?

You had a very long day patrolling the palisades against bandits and hooligans of all kinds. All you want to do now is choke down the cheap ale that you can barely afford on your guard salary. This one simple pleasure is currently being robbed from you by that horrid halfling who won't stop ranting his poetic lyrics about the escapades of some heroic character who never cut a guy like you any slack. If only someone would outlaw these garbage minstrels like the bandits they really are.
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