This week we've got something old and something new.
First the old
First up we have a Mike the Half Human GM classic. Mike ran the Call of Cthulhu introductory scenario Dead Boarder for a number of conventions and it was always a good time. In fact one time my character did two vials of cocaine, failed his Con check, jumped out the window unharmed, and then was gunned down by Ben's police officer character and his cop buddies. It was amazing. I can guarantee this game won't end like that, but I'm sure things are not going to end great.
Onto the New
It's time to go back to Rappan Athuk with Mike Miller as the Magister using the terrific Realms of Fantasy gaming system. This time our intrepid band of adventurers discover the most deadly of all the beasts that live to plague all that this good and beautiful. Its.....Its.....Its...........OMG FROGS!!!!!

You had a very long day patrolling the palisades against bandits and hooligans of all kinds. All you want to do now is choke down the cheap ale that you can barely afford on your guard salary. This one simple pleasure is currently being robbed from you by that horrid halfling who won't stop ranting his poetic lyrics about the escapades of some heroic character who never cut a guy like you any slack. If only someone would outlaw these garbage minstrels like the bandits they really are.
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