We've got some Call of Cthulhu this week and an interesting one at that. No trench coats, tommy guns, and dynamite...more like tea ceremonies, honor, and loyalty. Well maybe some type of ceremonies, the kind that require sacrifices and have people chanting in hooded robes and whatnot. It's off to Feudal Japan with Guy as the GM!
I'm sure that everything is going to be just fine....
On a more boring note I'm still working through the podcast backlog, but I'm almost through. All that is left is the Runequest and Realms of Fantasy games, which are a lot. But more on that later.....
Night Folks!

You had a very long day patrolling the palisades against bandits and hooligans of all kinds. All you want to do now is choke down the cheap ale that you can barely afford on your guard salary. This one simple pleasure is currently being robbed from you by that horrid halfling who won't stop ranting his poetic lyrics about the escapades of some heroic character who never cut a guy like you any slack. If only someone would outlaw these garbage minstrels like the bandits they really are.
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