Conventions season is right around the corner, with our hometown convention of Grand Con coming this September. The Bards have their games in and ready to go! This year it is going to be downtown Grand Rapids in a new venue. Bigger and Better.
Rappan Athuk has ended for the summer, which makes me sad, but it will renew after Grand Con. Just to give you a little taste we end up fighting some really nasty frogs.
Speaking of Realms of Fantasy, this coming Friday at 6 PM, the Bards are running the second part of an introduction to the system with special guest Mike Miller. It will be at the The Gamer's Wharf, which is a fairly new, and awesome, gaming store.
And onward to podcasts.
The Doctor Is In! Our motley band of space heroes have finally met the infamous doctor. Now it's time to give him a terminal case of lead poisoning!
More Runequest! Now that Our Gang is finally out of the backwater that is Pavis, and moved into the new backwater of Sartar, it's time to do what we do best, get into trouble.

You had a very long day patrolling the palisades against bandits and hooligans of all kinds. All you want to do now is choke down the cheap ale that you can barely afford on your guard salary. This one simple pleasure is currently being robbed from you by that horrid halfling who won't stop ranting his poetic lyrics about the escapades of some heroic character who never cut a guy like you any slack. If only someone would outlaw these garbage minstrels like the bandits they really are.
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